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Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed (R$E)


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(2016) Illuminati Ritual at VATICAN birth of "Son of Satan"

Subscribe to R$E: http://www.youtube.com/roundsaturnseye

December, 2016 - It appears that they see this month as the concepton of Jesus and invert this with ritualistic 'imitative magic'. The goal is to break the veil and birth the abyss - they use the story of the birth of Jesus we read in the book of Luke as a masquerade for Revelation 9 (birth of the abyss). This is not a Christian organization, but the capstone of the mystery schools of Egypt / Babylon.

Remember Moses vs. the lying signs and wonders of Egypt? This is what we are dealing with here.

The real Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the way, truth and life and no-one can come to the Father but by Him. Go to a private place and call on Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, confess your sin and believe in your heart that He rose from the grave to truly defeat death. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be born again into a new life of purpose, hope and forgiveness. Salvation from death is in Jesus Christ alone. They are tireless in their efforts to invert and pervert the real truth of the Bible, don't reject the only way to everlasting life.

Vatican Secret Illuminati Ritual will shock you!

Round SaturnsEye (R$E)

Music -
LAIRE - Final Coming
Krale - Rise of the Ice Queen
Krale - (Experimental Track from Youtube)

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Black Pope reveals "Son of Satan" at Vatican (R$E)

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ich muss leider sagen, dass die meisten Christen dämlich sind und mit Blindheit geschlagen.
    Kaum einer hinterfragt den ganzen Zirkus hier.
    Und der Tannenbaum könnte eine Abwandlung der Zirbelnuss (Zirbeldrüse) sein.
    Die Herrscherklasse, aus den pharanonischen Blutlinien sind noch heute an der Macht.
    Sie wechseln nur die Gewänder, Etiketten. Es ist einfach widerlich.