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Warning: The World Elite & Billionaires Are Preparing Underground Bunkers For Major Event


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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
419 Aufrufe


Hello, this is the no face movement with more breaking news and a warning to prepare for a major event. The world elite and Billionaires Are buying underground bunkers that are ready to go. Forbes magazine even warns we are living in the most dangerous times and the world elite are ready. The bunkers are done, the airport's and plains are ready. So what is coming. Well we are going do videos the following week's and yes we have a lot of major events coming. From the fallout 2017 of fukushima, the asteroids and comets coming( one is coming Feb 25 NASA not sure if it's a astroid or comet or if it's going to hit), major storms, virus, nuclear war or ww3, or Somthing else so subscribe as we break all the news with proof and stay up to date of future events. This is the no face movement moving a movement facing off. Please be prepared
#undergroundbunkers #majorevents #nwo #asteroidcoming #ww3
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