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Network On Global Corporate Control4 25 17

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278 Aufrufe


People are not allowing the Banking Cartel to tell them they cannot use cash. The Banking Cartel is attempting to control people through their currencies. We have put our foot down, we have drawn a line in the sand. The Banking Cartel thought we were simply going to allow them to dominate all of humanity and control us. There are two teleprompters for this segment-- the one which the Banking Cartel hid and which I found and tweeted today: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt4.25.17.pdf ) and the teleprompter which served as the script for the DCTV segment on the war on cash: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt4.18.17.1.pdf
The first teleprompter was checkmate for the Banking Cartel. which is why the Banking Cartel tried to hide it.

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