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Eingetragen von Firewall7 in User Videos
299 Aufrufe


Es tut so gut, Tiere zu beobachten.
Sie sind so herrlich normal und sie sind so ehrlich in ihren Gefühlen.
Wie freundlich und rücksichtsvoll der junge Hund mit dem Wellie spielt oder der der junge Papagei seine Musikalität tänzerisch zum Ausdruck birngt....einfach wundervoll !

From a talking parakeet asking a female parrot for a kiss, birds trying to flirt with the house cat, to a parrot admiring his reflection in the mirror, these are just a few of the flirty birds you'll find in this flirty birds compilation.

The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube official right here, right meow:

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Original Links:
Parakeet Gives Toy a Kiss on the Nose https://vine.co/v/e1MKwPzvbOA
Parrot Enjoying His Reflection in the Mirror https://instagram.com/p/BP1BVFQhBio/
Bird Catcalls Ice Cream Picture http
Talking Parakeet Asks Female Parrot for a Kiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1wAjcWHkDY
Pu ppy Plays with Bird
Tw o Birds Best Friends
Bi rd Sings While Dog Eats
Pa rrot Loves to be Pet
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10204369 266090437
Cockatoo Dances Around Table https://www.facebook.com/luckyloucocotoo/vide os/287497715008169/
Bird Harassed by Admirers https://www.facebook.com/448739145312124/vide os/680907162095320/
Bird Tries to Ride Other Bird https://www.facebook.com/100013949973717/vide os/202882990186699/
Parakeet Kisses Baby Bird https://instagram.com/p/BMNByqzDVEr/
Bird Annoys Cat
Bi rd Kisses Toy Bird

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