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RFID, Blockchain, AI, Bitcoin - The Truth Will Shock You!


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756 Aufrufe


This video ties AI, the blockchain, Bitcoin and the RFID chip to the Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast.
Artificial Intelligence Is Coming to Crypto Trading: An Interview with Guy Zyskind

As hedge funds rush to enter the cryptocurrency space, the landscape for retail cryptocurrency investors is fundamentally changing before our very eyes. Marcel Chuo from news.Bitcoin.com sits down with Guy Zyskind, CEO of Enigma to discuss how his team is helping hedge funds that utilize artificial intelligence and automated bot trading enter the crypto space. Guy breaks down the implications of this fundamental shift and we discuss how the community can prepare for the rise of AI in crypto trading. https://news.bitcoin.com/artificial-intelligence-is-coming-to-crypto-trading-an-interview-with-guy-zyskind/

Can Blockchain And AI Accelerate The Arrival Of The IoT Economy?

The collective network of connected devices known as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is growing. Gartner estimates that there will be 8.4B IoT devices by 2020. The bulk of this growth is expected to come from consumer devices as more consumers acquire smart devices and appliances. Businesses are also expected to ramp up adoption to improve workplace productivity and maximize industrial applications. https://www.forbes.com/sites/omribarzilay/2017/11/02/can-blockchain-and-ai-accelerate-the-arrival-of-the-iot-economy/

Microsoft is working on providing digital IDs to over 1 billion undocumented people around the world

Microsoft is teaming up with Accenture to build a digital ID network using blockchain technology, as part of a United Nations-supported project to provide legal identification to 1.1 billion people worldwide with no official documents. http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-accenture-id2020-digital-id-network-2017-6

RFID Microchips - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Full Disclosure

Content in video thanks to Purvigiggle https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCohuScGnO0zGOz7XGkpz_zw / God Is Love https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCohuScGnO0zGOz7XGkpz_zw / the Truth is stranger than fiction https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2aFQcGgRoVuEWfx2AM0H-A

God bless everyone. Jesus loves you all.

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