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Jeffrey Sachs: COVID "I'm pretty convinced it came out of U.S. lab biotechnology"

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Jeffrey Sachs, who chairs Covid-19 commission at the prestigious medical journal, has claimed the deadly virus did not come out of nature.
Covid-19 did not come from nature but rather was an accidental release "out of US lab biotechnology", world-renowned economist and author Jeffrey Sachs has claimed. He was speaking at a conference hosted by the think tank GATE Center, in Spain, in mid-June.
While introducing this “provocative statement,” Sachs suggested that he was in the loop, as he chairs the Covid-19 commission at prestigious medical journal The Lancet.
“So it’s a blunder, in my view, of biotech, not an accident of a natural spillover,” he reiterated.
Watch Full Video Here: https://youtu.be/7rRBuX4U0DU

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