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India earthquake today | magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred near Assam

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#earthquaketoday #indiaearthquake #earthquake2021
On Wednesday morning, a powerful earthquakes occurred in Assam and other parts of northeast India. Six aftershocks were recorded in the hours after the first quake shook up the region.

According to the National Centre of Seismology, the earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter Scale originated in Sonitpur, Tezpur of Assam. The earthquake was recorded at 7:51 am and according to the seismology centre, it was centred 43 km west of Tezpur in Assam.

There were six aftershocks following the first major earthquake, one at 7.58 am and another at 8.01 am. The six aftershocks of magnitude 3.2 to 4.7 were recorded over the next 2 hours 30 minutes in the vicinity of Sonitpur in Assam.

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