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CRAZY PARROT RAIN DANCE by 'LUCKY', our African Grey Parrot


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Eingetragen von chris in User Videos
324 Aufrufe


'Lucky' has always been a character and favorite memory of many guests onboard, and if you haven't seen her previous video "FUNNIEST PARROT EVER" you can find it here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpgVL0hi sCk&index=1&list=PL617uWVV3aozuOd5RJvkh8jZF72 T0kMUX

Today was a special day for 'Lucky'... I forgot to close the main hatch when it started raining like I normally do, but then as the rain became torrential I went to close it and realized 'Lucky' wasn't on her rope swing under the hatch anymore... upon looking I found her outside singing and flapping and dancing away up on deck under the buckets of rain that were coming down... needless to say I grabbed my camera and now you all get to share in the fun!

It's been drought like conditions here in the islands for some time now, so having 'Lucky' do the rain dance to help keep it going was very helpful! First half of video is put to music just for fun, and the last half is just the ambient sounds so you can here her rambling away! :)

Would love to hear from you if it helps put a smile on your face as it did mine... Enjoy, and have a great day everyone!

Video Produced by http://www.LandAndSeaVideo.com
ARL Logo Animation Produced by http://www.SomethingGames.com
More Videos at http://www.AmbientRealLife.com

caribbean, sailing, african grey parrot Lucky, st maarten, sxm, british virgin islands, bvi, tourism, real estate, property, travel, sailors, ambient real life.

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