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Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes ( Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org )

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Eingetragen von chris in User Videos
267 Aufrufe


12.10.17, All official sources are blaming the increasingly extreme and deadly wildfire behavior on global warming alone, but is that the full truth? What are “official sources” not telling us about the increasingly destructive wildfires? Illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor that is fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe. Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering more dry lightning, destroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils (which is killing trees), and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). This 10 minute video elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency.
The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity.
Anomalous and extreme wind patterns over the core wildfire region have been a major contributing factor in the unfolding firestorm cataclysm. All official sources continue to ignore and omit any discussion of the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations.
All of us must work together in the effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault. How? By circulating credible data from a credible source. Make your voice heard in this all important battle.
Dane Wigington

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Tags: Feuersturm

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