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John Moore: NIBIRU-Planet X System Flyby Preparedness, False Flags, Illegal Wars.

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John Moore learned about the NIBIRU flyby in Spring 2000. Since then he has informed many thousands people about the NIBIRU-Planet X System flyby. John Moore is veteran U.S. Army Special Forces soldier, homicide detective, private investigator, speaker and trainer. He is a radio talk show host: The John Moore Radio Show with YouTube Channel: \"The John Moore Radio Show\" and home page http://thelibertyman.com/ with \"News The Government Doesn´t Want YouTo Know\". John Moore is an author and he has produced two major videos on the subject of Planet X-NIBIRU flyby, backed up by diligent research, documented history and scientific facts. In this video John Moore speaks about some of the problems, that will occure during the coming NIBIRU flyby, such as earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, strong winds, falling rocks, iron oxide dust, floodings, Pole Shift, altered North Pole/South Pole/Equator. He speaks also about False Flag Operations and Illegal Wars. John is going to speak at the Conference From Illusion To Reality in Prague, 22 July 2017 about NIBIRU-flyby, NIBIRU-flyby Preparedness and False Flag Operations, for more information about the conference and John Moore, see http://fromillusiontoreality.com/, contact Alexandra JB: fromillusiontoreality@email.cz
Fore more information about NIBIRU-Planet X System flyby see other YouTube videos with John Moore, Bob Dean, Marshall Masters, all of them are well aware about the cover up of NIBIRU-Planet X System flyby:
\"2017 Disaster Verified - John Moore - 2008 Speech Mirrored on 10/12/16\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohHMK20FhAk,
\"Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: the Coming of NIBIRU\" in 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbgHyrmgRZM, Marshall Master´s speech about NIBIRU flyby from July 2016, Conference From Illusion To Reality in Prague: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8tjf5Cooqg

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Den kannte ich auch noch nicht. John Moore kommt mir sehr vertrauenswürdig vor.
    Vom Aussehen erinnert er mich ein wenig an Aldous Huyley. Vielleicht sind die miteinander verwandt, wer weiß....