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Why Boston Dynamics is Building a Super Robot Army

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Why Boston Dynamics is Building a Super Robot Army
Changing your idea of what robots can do – that’s the slogan of Boston Dynamics. Founded in 1992 by Marc Raibert as a spin-off company from MIT, its early days were spent making training videos for the navy. Only later did the company begin delving into the world of robots – amassing a level of expertise unsurpassed throughout the industry.

In fact, Boston Dynamics’s achievements look like the opening montage from a science fiction movie. Starting with the cumbersome BigDog – a quadruped robot designed for the military – the company has seen each new generation of robots surpass the last in a relentless fashion. Sometimes their announcements leave you a little more unnerved than impressed.

What was once the realm of speculation is now being shipped from Boston Dynamics’ factories on a weekly basis. All the while, the robots move ever closer in the resemblance of their human creators.

In this video, I’ll explore the staggering rise of this revolutionary robotics company, taking an in-depth look at their growing super robot army. Welcome back to our channel, If you haven’t already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the bell so that you get notified every time we upload a new video!

Thanks For Watching: Why Boston Dynamics is Building a Super Robot Army

Check Out These Videos:
The REAL REASON Why Boston Dynamics Builds Robotic Dogs - https://youtu.be/dtgOdvEXYzM

The Frightening Reality Of Boston Dynamics Robots - https://youtu.be/PcFcn0KVwxQ

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das Vorstellen dieser Roboter nicht ein Ablenkungsmanöver ist.
    In Wirklichkeit braucht man doch solche "Soldaten" nicht. Es gibt doch Strahlungswaffen, Drohnen und alles Mögliche. Ausserdem wären die Gesellen hier viel zu teuer.
    Da kannst du nicht einfach mal schnell 1 Million von herstellen. Auch ist die Energeiversorgung nicht gesichert mit Strom.
    Ich halte das ganze für ein Ablenkungsmanöver. Schön wäre es, wir könnten diese Roboter für gute Zwecke einsetzen in einer Welt, die frei ist von Waffen und bösen Gedanken.