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The Babylonians

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The Babylonians presented by Dr. Oren Fenton Potito Here is a summary of this lecture: Babylon the Great, a global criminal organization, is controlled by a cabal of international bankers who own and control central banks worldwide. Through fractional reserve banking, they create money out of thin air as debt, leading to inflation and the inevitable foreclosure of property. The Banker’s Manifest of 1934 outlines how bond slaves are controlled through debt and diversion, with the goal of creating an imperialism of capital to govern the world. Throughout history, the Babylonian system of banking, religion, and government has dominated the world, leading to debt and oppression. This system, characterized by the use of gold as a medium of exchange and the exploitation of interest rates, has resulted in the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small elite. Despite efforts to conceal this truth, archaeological evidence and historical records reveal the true nature of this system and its impact on society. Henry VIII introduced tallies, a debt-free payment system, to replace loans from jews. The Bank of England, established in 1694, marked the end of the tally system and influenced American history. Alexander Hamilton, an Englishman, lobbied for the First Bank of the United States, leading to America’s enslavement to the jews. John Wilkes Booth, a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, believed that Lincoln’s death was a disaster for Christendom due to the influence of foreign bankers. The Federal Reserve, established in 1913, was a private monopoly controlled by European bankers, leading to significant financial losses for America through World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Adolf Hitler’s rise to power was initially financed by Jews, but he later double-crossed them and instituted a debt-free money system, making Germany the most powerful nation on earth. http://taplink.cc/sonsofyhvh Bitcoin bc1qaku6j0pmh8gmttyqlstvsfhayljhfztfluc63n

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