12 People Who Mysteriously Vanished Caught on Video
Aliens ?
Zeitreisende ?
Militäroperationen ?
Unsichtbarmachung durch
neue Technologien ?
Satanssekten ?
was ist hier los ?
Normal ist das nicht.
Die Filme scheinen echt zu sein.
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Number to contact if you have information on #12: (818) 838-9800
In this top 12 list, we look at people who vanished under mysterious circumstances but nonetheless were caught on camera. Whether they're real or fake, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Narrated by: Chills
Written by: Kyler Richman
Edited by: Huba Áron Csapó
Intro by: Jacob Snarr
Sources: https://pastebin.com/RSMMP1zF
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
jdgehlert (pond5.com)