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Gigantisch grosse Bäume vor der Flut - There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up

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266 Aufrufe


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0oQqX0Yugs&f eature=share

There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up
Channel: Людин Рɣси
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2EB0NA_OC8I 9KSGj8ULYBw

Published on Aug 1, 2016
Even Earth\'s wounds are healed beautifully...
\"Thanks to \"Asgard\" and \"WakeUpHumans\" for their hardest work!\"
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHkiZNT3cyE

Br illiant! Thanks for this presentation, David. It is exactly what I have been thinking of finding, the clue to the bigger story.
Uploaded with permission.
This information needs to be seen and heard by all English speaking countries. You did a great job, I\'d like to contribute making it heard by more people.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwPsM _1pIgFCeE1JNWg3a3M2NjA/edit

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Was ich noch nicht verstanden habe, dass man die Flut verheimlichen will. Wieso eigentlich ?