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Paul McCartney / Faul McCartney

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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
175 Aufrufe


This Video addresses the latest hoax revelation, supposedly, from Ringo Starr, that James Paul McCartney really did die on 9/11/1966, and was replaced by William Shears Campbell.
There may have been some truth to this story but did James Paul McCartney really die?
This was a classic straw man article. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/former-beatle-ringo-starr-claims-the-real-paul-mccartney-died-in-1966-and-was-replaced-by-look-alike/
World News Daily Report puts out the information, after gaining the trust of the unsuspecting public.
They then make a blatant error to expose the story as a hoax.
That error was, the non-existent source the Hollywood Inquirer, which of course, doesn't exist.
The second error is that they use the unproven decades long conspiracy myth to the letter.
They then follow up with the story of a press conference at McCartney's home, where he blasts Ringo as SENILE, only there was no press conference. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/paul-mccartney-refutes-ringo-starrs-allegations-that-he-died-in-1966-3/
Just try and find any other legitimate source!
The straw man is then burned down taking the truth with it.
Since there have been NO lawsuits filed over this slander and defamation, we can assume it was paid for and arranged by the Impostor, playing the role of Sir Paul McCartney.
Once again we find that it is Zionist Israeli Jews behind this Psyop:
Here is their about page: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/about-us/

There is NO DOUBT that the man portraying himself as Sir Paul McCartney is an impostor, so what is really happening?

There is another angle.
Maybe the real James Paul McCartney just wanted out of the chaos and wanted to live a normal life.
There is no doubt that the man playing the role of Sir Paul McCartney is not the original Beatle.

Has Paul been living in the old family home under the guise of tour guide with the identity of John Halliday?
John Halliday's whereabouts are unknown today.

The Truth will come out about this mystery.
Music by What's His Face http://whatshisface.org

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Es würde mich in keiner Weise wundert, wenn Paul Mc Cartney aus dem ganzen Rummel aussteigen wollte, aber der Band nicht schaden, ausserdem spielten sie sehr viel Geld ein, das auch er nach wie vor benötigte. Da scheint es moderat zu sein, seinen Tod vorzutäuschen. Das wäre nicht das einzige Mal, dass dies ein Prominenter täte.
    Wir wissen auch nicht, was im Hintergrund lief. Vielleicht wurde er bedroht ?
    Man weiß es nicht. Jedenfalls ist es sicherlich für die Menschen schwer, öffentlich für tot erklärt zu werden, obwohl sie noch leben und sie müssen sich ständig bedeckt halten.
    Das ist ja wie Knast mit Freigang. Und dann lernst du jemand kennen, verliebst dich und plabberst aus deiner Vergangenheit. Und wenn es der/die falsche ist, steht bald alles in der Zeitung und die Deckung ist aufgeflogen. Kein angenehmes Leben. Allerdings unter Lebensgefahr, immer noch besser, als ermordet zu werden.