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Scott Ritter REVEALS: U.S.'s VILE Plot & Israel's DARK Plan! Iran - Russia Fire Is About To BURST!!!

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Hello guys ! Welcome to Zoon Bebe channel Today we will come to the latest world war news with: "Scott Ritter REVEALS: U.S.'s VILE Plot & Israel's DARK Plan! Iran - Russia Fire Is About To BURST" dives into the complex and dangerous geopolitical landscape involving the U.S., Israel, Iran, and Russia. Scott Ritter, returning after a week-long absence, opens the discussion with an in-depth look at America's national issues and the end of its "national nightmare." The video highlights an upcoming event in New York featuring stars from the podcast world, and the TV show "Ask the Inspector," where presidential candidates pledge to promote peace and prevent nuclear war.
The main focus is on "Operation Dawn," which began on September 28, aiming to save democracy in the U.S. and globally. The show will feature Jill Stein next week to discuss her views on peace and preventing nuclear war. The video also questions how Iran's missiles find their targets accurately without GPS, using a combination of sensors and accelerators.

Ritter addresses the dangerous times in the U.S., emphasizing the need to control the power of elected leaders and the sacrifices made by citizens for the community. The video covers Russia's strategic importance in Odessa and the Black Sea, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the comparison between multiculturalism and immigration in the U.K. and the U.S.

Further discussions include Hezbollah's diversion of military resources, the risk of Israel using nuclear weapons, and the potential for a massive civilian disaster in Tel Aviv. Ritter highlights Russia's superior military strategy in Ukraine and the challenges faced by Ukrainians fighting on pro-Russian territory.
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#russia #ukraine #west #nuclear #iran #china #israel #missile #wwIII
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