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The List Of Zombie Corporations Keeps Growing! 2 Million Jobs At Risk, The Fed Destroyed The Economy

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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
160 Aufrufe


The Fed is the source of our current economic collapse and the increasing wealth inequality. Many think the economy was on firm footing yet the truth is we have subsisted on central bank stimulus for over a decade which works for a while. The list of zombie corporations is growing rapidly and it's inevitable at this point and the number of jobs that have become dependent on constant stimulus has reached 2 million. A zombie corporation is a zombie company is a business that requires perpetual bailouts to keep its doors open, or it is a deeply indebted firm that can only repay the interest on its debt. This is most likely the main reason the Fed has taken the extraordinary step in purchasing junk-rated bonds because not event the feds quantitative easing is enough anymore and US corporations are in need of direct liquidity injections. The economy is swamped with debt and the Feds response to this economic collapse has been to encourage even higher debt loads. What's funny is the fed was warning about the size of corporate debt previous to any of this and now they seem to be saying there is no limit to what the Fed can do. Honestly, this isn't even money anymore, money cannot be created at will and distributed to friends and partners.


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