EMP Commission Warns of Year-Long Blackout, Dark Sky Drill Next Week
10.05.2018 , Four well-known southern Wisconsin energy companies will be aiding state officials and the National Guard in a full-scale training simulating a long-term mass power outage throughout the state organized by the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs.
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-10/emp -commission-warns-year-long-blackout-and-mass ive-death-toll
Learn More:
https://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/ne ws/2018/05/07/dark-sky-wisconsin-energy-compa nies-supply.html
http://dma.wi.gov/DMA/news/20 18news/18031
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Ein EMP-Anschlag wird i.d.R. national oder regional begrenzt sein. Aber wenn koronale Massenauswürfe von der Sonne kommen und die Erde treffen, dann werden das nur wenige Menschen überleben.