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9-11 Pentagon missing $2.3 trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001


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September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense of the USA declared war on the Pentagon bureaucracy over an alleged $2.3 trillion in unaccounted for funds on expenses, the next day 9/11 happened and the previous day's headlines were over-shadowed by the start of the Bush administration's modern-day crusade the 'War on Terror' supported by the mythical 'Coalition of the Willing' in search of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' and 'Taliban fighters' the $2.3 trillion was later quietly 'found' to have just been a computer error... Investigate 9/11
Anthony Antonello asks Donald Rumsfeld if he ever found that missing $2.3 Trillion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PN0Y_WENvk

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Grills Donald Rumsfeld on 9/11 and More

known unknowns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RpSv3HjpEw

2.3 Trillion Dollars missing from D.O.D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRqeJcuK-A

Trillions gone from Pentagon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZp3R2zoUQM

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