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German Officials Placed Children with Known Pedophiles For 30 Years

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links: https://t.co/EAhsImFopf Previously: Calendar of the deep state according to Johnny Delirious https://youtu.be/WGpkPGXRZ50
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S Korea cuts power to border building blown up by North, N Korean Military Set To Advance Into DMZ https://youtu.be/ZBDD9EnmmPs
Previously: Oregon pedophile faces 2,750-year jail sentence https://youtu.be/sbG0VjS4ZTM
Human Trafficking Network in Spain Dismantled: 12 arrests, 1000 victims identified https://youtu.be/42E8IvuNcPU
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Where we go from here https://youtu.be/Iw5uxfM92q4
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Miami Beach park closes when 8880 violate face mask policy https://youtu.be/OxrznGC8mzo
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FEMA ready to bag 200k any time now - get ready for \'worst case\' fall https://youtu.be/grM1iNfontQ
NSP take-down: courts, attorneys & trolls, oh my https://youtu.be/R4Qk2I8GvaU
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VT Cop arrested - Tortured woman to keep her quiet about raping her as a child https://youtu.be/S_YwJgttdWM
Ukraine trafficking ring sold BABIES to single Chinese men https://youtu.be/Z3fWXYHmM9c
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Stow Police Chief charged with enticing a child younger than 16 https://youtu.be/ASBV5evO2No
Nancy Schaefer died because she wouldn\'t shut up: Ralph Winterrowd https://youtu.be/-SyACQjGRSA
Police arrest 30 pedophiles in Virginia county https://youtu.be/XhsHEfo-3PY
The warnings https://youtu.be/Q_T9jD6mncM
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