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Underwater Cities Mean Ancient Historical Time Lines Are Incorrect

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Submerged prehistoric settlements in both the Bland and Mediterranean seas show that these areas were above water 6000 years prior, but sea levels shown at the time by classic academia are off by 1000 years. Additionally erosion patterns at the Kailash Temple complex in India indicate a far older monolithic structure than academia will allow. Out of time artifact where ever we look.

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▬▬▬ Story Links ▬▬▬
Climate Sensitivity Considering Urban and Natural Warming https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2020/11/12/climate-sensitivity-considering-urban-and-natural-warming/
Sea Level rise https://ourchangingclimate.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/past-current-future-sea-level-rise-graphs/
Submerged 6,000-year-old prehistoric settlement reveals Black Sea level was 5 meters lower https://www.sott.net/article/444198-Submerged-6000-year-old-prehistoric-settlement-reveals-Black-Sea-level-was-5-meters-lower
Nessebar Bulgaria Black Sea Coast https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nesebar
Sozopol, Primorsko Coast https://get.google.com/albumarchive/102088627105174286403/album/AF1QipOOJAhaescTCKB25wlg-3zL7_C2HskFw6xSGgKx?noredirect=1
MARITIME ARCHAEOLOGISTS FIND BRONZE AGE SETTLEMENT UNDER BLACK SEA’S SEABED OFF BULGARIA’S COAST http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2017/10/17/maritime-archaeologists-find-bronze-age-settlement-black-seas-seabed-off-bulgarias-coast/
10 mind-boggling images of the Kailasa Temple https://www.ancient-code.com/10-mind-boggling-images-kailasa-temple-prove-ancient-advanced-technology/
Kailasa Temple - Ellora, India https://www.megalithicbuilders.com/asia/india/ellora-kailasa-temple
Interesting facts about world’s largest monolithic structure-the Kailash Temple in Ellora https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/interesting-facts-about-worlds-largest-monolithic-structure-the-kailash-temple-in-ellora/as66499518.cms
Copper-Bronze Crown from the Cave of the Treasure at Nahal Mishmar https://youtu.be/aC0KbjmnoGg
Nahal Mishmar hoard images https://oldeuropeanculture.blogspot.com/2020/05/nahal-mishmar-hoard.html
Atlit Yam is an ancient submerged Neolithic village off the coast of Atlit, Israel http://www.israelandyou.com/atlit-yam/

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