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Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan?

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Spoiler it wasn’t, the RMS Titanic sank in 1912 although what did happen to the RMS Olympic well here’s the fate of Old Reliable https://youtu.be/ao8L93Ca7f8
Also here’s more about how the switch couldn’t happen https://youtu.be/4QnwbStYcyw

For the most part I have given up responding to the comments along time ago because seemingly a lot of people either did not watch this video fully or their comprehension is extremely bad. This is not a pro “switch” video but instead a for fun dive into the conspiracy meant to take you on a ride only to then remind you the Titanic sank not the Olympic.

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ständig wird vom Sinken der Titanic gesprochen und geschrieben.
    Dabei war es gar nicht die Titanic, sondern das Schwesterschiff.
    Da beginnt schon mal die Lügenmär.