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Economic Collapse News - Baltic Dry Index Crashes 80%, Chicago PMI Plunges Deep Into Contraction

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Economic collapse news February 1, 2020.

First, we look at the Baltic dry index which has crashed over 80% since September 2019. Capesize vessels have dropped 99% which carries large cargos of dry goods. The Baltic dry index is known as a barometer of the strength of the global; economy since most goods are shipped by sea. In a huge surprise miss, the Chicago PMI has plunged deep into contraction for the 7th month in a row. It is looking like Chicago may become the next Detroit at the rate citizens are fleeing the state. The last I saw it was 277 leaving Illinois per day. The Fed survey reveals manufacturing in the Chicago area is producing recession level data, in fact, the last time the Chicago was in contraction for 7 months in a row was the great recession.

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