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Before/After Male-to-Female Transgender Transformations Facial Feminization Surgery

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Eingetragen von chris in User Videos
243 Aufrufe


Think you can tell the difference between a male and a female face? See hundreds of male to female transformations (before and after pictures) that will have you guessing your ability to tell the sexes apart. With the latest in FFS Facial Feminization Surgery, as explained by Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, who does several facial feminization procedures a week, even the most manly of faces can look feminine. This video explains face sculpting, forehead contouring, bone cement implanting, jaw shaving, chin surgery and more that when done through the mouth or nose - flawlessly feminizes males faces without any scarring or evidence of surgery. Best of all, most of these \"transgender\" surgeries are covered under most insurances. Special thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, Youtube, the free online downloader (y2mate.com) and Lightworks (video editing) in the making of these videos.

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