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I Lost My Nose To Cancer | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

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CANCER took Tina’s nose but not her fighting spirit. After the 43-year-old from Texas was diagnosed with nasal cancer, she made the difficult decision to undergo a full rhinectomy to remove her nose. At first, Tina struggled with how she looked to others and wore a prosthetic, despite it being uncomfortable for her to do so. But with the support of her loving husband and children and an incredible determination to strengthen her self-confidence, Tina embraced her beauty. Now she is inspiring others. Tina told Truly: “From the moment we\'re born, society tries to fit us in a box of what is acceptably beautiful, what is acceptably appeasing to the eyes, and I want to shatter that box. I want to destroy it. I don\'t want anybody to ever feel like they\'re not beautiful.”

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Videographer: Michael Rowley
Producers: Rafaela Kuznec / Emika Berry  
Editor: Shiona Penrake, James Thorne

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ich will ja nicht wild spekulieren, aber das scheint mir eine Kandidatin zu sein, die sich regelmässig ihre "Nägel machen ließ" und dort giftigen Dämpfen ausgesetzt war.
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