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The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 10 Pharaoh's Re-Set

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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
133 Aufrufe


I got a new software, which enables me to make these collages, comparing two pictures in one frame and giving the video a whole new visual dimension; I've been wanting to learn this since 12 years, when I started making Youtube videos more than 12 years ago. But due to the incessant SwiSS terror, being in and out SwiSS high security prisons and imprisoned for a period of 5 and half years being a political prisoners because of my politically sensitive videos, the consecutive 7 years of homelessness upon leaving SwiSSyland in 2015 and the consequent burnout, it was very difficult to establish new filmmaking techniques. But hey, better late than never. So, if you want to have these collages, just send me a mail, and I'll send them to you: swisstorture@gmail.com - it's all for free, just as everything I do for y'all.
The Sigma Equation - Specially Made for the Endtimes. How can you tell the Masters' lies? Answer: by the total discrepancy in their narrative.
Sigma Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b9r0IGMvXk&t=0s
US Troops amassing on Combat Camera: https://www.youtube.com/@combatcamera9122/videos

The Swiss Freemason Chnüsou and his Feminist Pinklistkillers going after the Children and kicking Elvis out of SwiSSyland, because Elvis talked about lobbying by Secret Societies in Swiss Parliament thus unknowingly breaking the SwiSS Laws of Silence, therefore SwiSSy Freemason Professor Knüsel destroying his university studies with four years of university and his future in the bin because of SwiSS Freemason Professor René Knüsel called "The Chnüsou" (elvisvena1980@gmail.com).

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