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Story of Lucifer - His Purpose, His Fall, His Fate

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Who is Satan? Or the devil, the Bible describes as Lucifer.
To know more consider buying these resources,

1) Angels : Elect and Evil

2)God's Devil: The Incredible Story of How Satan's Rebellion Serves God's Purposes

Satan was created as a holy angel of God going by the name, Lucifer. The Bible describes him as having been created a cherub, apparently the highest created angel. Every other angel envied him for his majestic looks. He has been in all the higher places no one gets to go. God loved him like a son. He was perfectly created for his purpose. He for a while was the best of the best angels. He sooner became more arrogant because of his beauty and fame, entertained a thought that he should be God, that he decided to sit on a throne above God’s throne. To bring about his plan to out throne God, he with his cunningness made one-third of the angels to revolt against God. Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven, they all fell to the earth. Satan’s pride led to his fall. Because of his sin, God permanently removed Satan from his exalted position and role. God created hell for Lucifer and his angels and appointed a day of judgment for them to be judged and thrown out to the lake of fire.

He deceived Eve into sinning against God. Thus the whole of mankind fell into sin. But God showed mercy towards mankind. He sent Jesus, His one and only son for mankind's redemption.

As for Lucifer’s future, he awaits the inevitable. From the very beginning, his demise was predicted. In Genesis 3:15, God prophesied that the serpent (Satan) would bruise the heel of the Seed of the woman, but Jesus—the Seed of the woman—would crush the serpent’s head. The defeat of Satan in one sense has already occurred. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ guaranteed Satan’s doom. he, along with all of the enemies of God, will be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity. “They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. The Bible is clear. There will be no relief for Satan and the enemies of God. There is not even the prospect of annihilation. The eternal suffering they endure will be a just punishment for their sins against the infinitely holy God, whose righteousness, justice, and holy wrath will be displayed forever.

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