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China Moving on the US? | Russia's Nuke Threat is "REAL"

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Marfoogle News Show Notes: https://marfooglenews.com/?p=27927
A submarine operated by OceanGate Expeditions, which ferried tourists to the underwater wreck site of the Titanic, has mysteriously disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean. According to the US CoastGuard, five individuals were onboard when the vessel went missing. Among the missing is reported to be a British citizen. The submarine, used for deep-sea excursions to the Titanic wreckage resting 12,500ft below the surface, is now the subject of a widespread search and rescue mission. Last year, an excursion to the site reportedly cost a group of tourists $250,000. The Titanic wreck was discovered in 1985 and is situated roughly 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
In the world of prepping, it's vital to be prepared for when SHTF (stuff hits the fan). Whether you're a seasoned survivalist or a beginner, the importance of emergency preparedness cannot be overstated. As part of your disaster readiness plan, you should consider essentials like food storage and creating a well-stocked bug out bag, equipped with all the necessary survival gear. Many preppers also delve into off-grid living, learning survival skills and self-sufficiency tactics, including homesteading and food production. Essential elements of any emergency supplies list include a first aid kit, water purification methods, and survival food, which can be easily stored in a prepper pantry. Don't forget, outdoor survival knowledge can be a game-changer in dire situations. To ensure you don't miss anything, use a prepping checklist and consider undergoing survival training to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to handle an emergency effectively.

Stay current on everything happening around the world and how to prepare by following YouTube channels like Marfoogle News, Marfoogle TV, Alaska Prepper, Survival Living, Canadian Prepper, Redacted, Denys Davydov, William Spaniel, and Jake Broe.

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