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Germany's State Profilers & Pre Crime Database Laws to lock up Disobedient German Males Indefinitel

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Eingetragen von Feh in User Videos
128 Aufrufe


It\'s very clear, that the German state wants new pre crime laws against civil disobedience, because basically civil disobedience cannot be criminalised. What else to do with the ever increasing amount of slaves, who don\'t trust the system anymore, huh? Well, you need new authoritarian laws to squeeze them back in line. The Minority makes a Report in a pre crime database, so they can lock up the majority using the so called \"Minority Report\"; therefore the title of the Tom Cruise Hollywood film treating the pre crime database subject by the name of the \"Minority Report\", because the pre crime database is a Report by the elite Minority.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDAg WLpSWb8&t=5562s

https://www.youtube.com/c/Mark THofmann/featured

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