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Russia Warns Ukraine Loss Would Spark Nuclear War, Orthodox Church Issues "End of the World" Warni

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- Outspoken former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the security council Dmitry Medvedev has issued his latest stark warning to the West on Thursday, saying that if Russia is on the brink of defeat, nuclear war is likely to follow. He made the comments in a post on the Telegram messaging app. \"The defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war may trigger a nuclear war,\" he began.

\"Nuclear powers have never lost major conflicts on which their fate depends,\" the former president, who in prior years had actually been seen as more dovish when compared to Putin, added. Medvedev\'s comments came in reaction to news of a major meeting of Western defense leaders set for Friday at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

According to Patriarch Kirill, “madmen” are stupid enough to believe that Russia, which “has powerful weapons and is populated by extremely strong people,” can be defeated despite the fact that it has “never given in to an enemy and had always emerged victorious.”

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/medved ev-warns-russias-defeat-ukraine-would-mean-nu clear-war

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitic al/russian-orthodox-church-issues-end-world-w arning

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