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Chant cosaque - Как донские казаки

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Eingetragen von Florian Geyer in User Videos
82 Aufrufe


https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8kM0dQyuWV?_ga =1.94722334.381622114.1573549765
Notice to generous subscribers. This channel offers a large panel of music, military, historical, political, traditional. It is often the fruit of a long research work to determine exactly the origin of the songs, to find the lyrics, the appropriate and rare iconography. But one thing is clear, this chain takes time, a lot of time. In order for the sharing to continue, for the adventure to continue, so that this chain does not stop in such a good way and continues to function normally, help us. Thank you in advance.

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  • Florian Geyer Gesperrt Eingetragen ...so gesund. Und ohne Maske.