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The Effects of EMF Radiation on the Human Blood Cells Researched by Dr. Robert O. Young - 1998

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The following research on the effects of microwave radiation on human blood was carried out by Dr. Robert O. Young using pHase Contrast Microscopy. The research was published in the International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2001 by Dr. Beverly Rubik in 2001. The article is called \"The Effects of Electromagnetic Frequency {EMF) on the Human Biofield.\" The study contained two groups - Group A and Group B. One group was given the Qlink with the SRT technology and the other group was given the Qlink without the SRT technology. Both groups were exposed to EMF in the edit bay of BBC in London, England. The study was double-blinded and the results can be found on the following link: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-effect s-electromagnet-frequencies-on-the-blood-and- biological-terrain

To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.drrobertyoung.com/blog

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