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UFO Hearing Live | Witnesses Testify That U.S. Is Hiiding Decades-Long Operation To Capture UFOs

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UFO Hearing Live | Witnesses Testify That U.S. Is Hiiding Decades-Long Operation To Capture UFOs

Witness made several startling allegations about the US government and UFOs, but doubts lingered over key testimony.

In scenes that felt reminiscent of a science-fiction movie, the US Congress held a public hearing on claims the government is covering up its knowledge of UFOs.

Unsurprisingly, the hearing generated huge interest in the US and around the world as it heard from three key witnesses, including David Grusch, a whistleblower former intelligence official who in June claimed the US has possession of “intact and partially intact” alien vehicles.

UFOs have become a high-profile news story in recent years. The US military says it is actively trying to investigate the small number of sightings for which there is no obvious explanation.

As the hearing unfolded there were no new revelations about aliens, but there were startling allegations from witnesses, and a general sense that a cover-up exists somewhere in the US government – as well as skepticism that that has anything to do with “little green men”.

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Tags: Ufos, UAP, CIA, FBI, NSA, Aliens

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  • Florian Geyer Gesperrt Eingetragen ... auch ich bin an Informationen zu diesem Thema interessiert und hoffe auf Offenlegung irgendwelcher vertuschter staatlicher Aktivitäten im Allgemeinen. Mich beschleicht aber irgendwie das Gefühl, dass diese Art von Offenlegung - schon wieder / wie immer - einen anderen Hintergrund hat als die Aufklärung - an sich. Vermutlich brauchen sie einfach wieder Kohle für ihre neue Space-Kampftruppe und wollen der Bevölkerung erklären, warum sie jetzt wieder Geld brauchen. Warum ich das glaube?
    Einfach Erfahrung.
    Reine Routine.
    Sie waren schon immer so einfach gestrickt.