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"Auch als Kunde bist Du kein Mensch" Man Is Forcibly Removed From United Airlines Flight Because It


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Die UNITED_Airlines hat gewaltsam einen ARzt aus dem Flugzeug gezerrt, weil die Maschine überbucht war und sie ihre eigene Crew haben mitfliegen lassen wollen.
Per Zufallsgenerator wurden dann Passagiere ausgewählt, die obwohl sie ein gültiges und bezahltest Ticket hatten, die Maschine verlassen mussten ! (Gegen Entschädigung)
Allerdings dieser Arzt weigerte sich und wurde dann gewaltsam "entfernt".
So geht man im Kapitalismus mit Menschen ubm.
https://www.tag24.de/nachr ichten/washington-chicago-arzt-passagier-gewa ltsam-flugzeug-ueberbucht-ticket-united-airli nes-234828

M an Is Forcibly Removed From United Airlines Flight Because It Was Overbooked.

On the 9th April, 2017, a man was forcibly removed from United Airlines Flight 3411 in Chicago, set for Louisville. While we would normally say that until we have all the information, we have no information at all, the United response tends to confirm the incident as described by passengers. United Airlines said:

"Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate. We apologise for the overbook situation."

Context from article: http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/201 7/04/10/video-shows-man-forcibly-removed-unit ed-flight-chicago-louisville/100274374/

"Pass engers were told at the gate that the flight was overbooked and United, offering $400 and a hotel stay, was looking for one volunteer to take another flight to Louisville at 3 p.m. Monday. Passengers were allowed to board the flight and once the flight was filled those on the plane were told that four people needed to give up their seats to stand-by United employees that needed to be in Louisville on Monday for a flight. Passengers were told that the flight would not take off until the United crew had seats and the offer was increased to $800, but no one volunteered."
"Then a manager came aboard the plane and said a computer would select four people to be taken off the flight. One couple was selected first and left the airplane before the man in the video was confronted. The man became "very upset" and said that he was a doctor who needed to see patients at a hospital in the morning. The manager told him that security would be called if he did not leave willingly, and the man said he was calling his lawyer. One security official came and spoke with him, and then another security officer came when he still refused. Then a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane."

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