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Solar Eclipse gets even MORE SPOOKY: The Vatican, Reptiles, Resurrection, NASA, CERN, demon portals

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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
48 Aufrufe



- Solar eclipse-related truck ban in Texas. (0:03)

- NASA's moon rocket launch and CERN's particle accelerator during solar eclipse. (4:12)

- Gravity, CERN, and interdimensional beings. (8:32)

- Solar eclipses, dark matter, and conspiracy theories. (14:51)

- Venom-based medicine and its potential dangers. (19:39)

- Demonic entities and interdimensional portals. (24:20)

- Cosmic powers and potential threats to humanity. (29:36)

- Decentralized messaging platform and emergency preparedness. (34:23)


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