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All credits to Xendrius:
https://www.youtube.com/user/Xendriu s

These are not magicians, these are not tricks, these are not mind manipulation or illusion... those new magicians like Dynamo are not human beings but are jinns/devils under human shape, or people possessed by jinns and working with them. In short, those who really produces the trick are not humans but JINNS, DEVILS, ALIENS.

Their goal is to desensitize the people to any kind of supernatural event, that way, nothing would surprise us, the true miracles of the prophets of God will pass for a trick among many others while in reality it's not the case.

The magick of the devls is limited to the ability of the jinns: to charm our eyes, our senses, our perceptions, to move objects, to gather information, to communicate with each others in order to vehiculate informations (like about the deaths, the unknown)...but at the end, they do nothing extraordinary, can they open the sea like Moses did it? can they resurrect the deaths like Jesus did? can they reveal the unknown like Muhammad did? NO! Can they know the future? No

The devils want us to thing that they are omnipotent like God, but they are absolutely not, they are flawed just like us, they are not perfect.

This new trend with magicians openly working with jinns, all these ufos apparitions, so called abductions, the channels, the new superhumans, the indigos.... are a sign that the devils are about to finally come back openly in the visible world, but not presented as demons (which is their true nature), deceivers, but as extraterrestrials, evoluated souls, sons of God... BEWARE!!!!

Put your faith in God alone and obey and believe in his last and unflawed revelation, the Quran (the bible has been distorted by the devils, that's whay God has sent the Quran and has protected it).

Hundreds of comments all over YouTube call the famous magician Yif a "fake", a "cgi magician", a "fraud". Claiming that all of his street "magic" is accomplished with paid actors/stooges and post editing/CGI.

So please, all knowing "tricks/actor/CGI" conspiracy theorist professionals, explain all of his "tricks" in his latest live performance.

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