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You and Your Consciousness PT 1: Connecting to the Creator and Cleansing By Kim Goguen

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#consciousness #kimpossible #meditation

Join Kim as she talks about Connecting to the Creator and Cleansing the Body of Negative Energy. Can you See and Feel Source?

By practicing meditation we all get to increase Earth\'s and our own consciousness. There is no \"End-game\" as our perpetual #reincarnation \"levels up\" our current and future vehicle(s) through each life. Once we get to a post 3D world we get so much more choice with being human; meaning we get to explore the multiverse, interact, share and expand our knowledge with our real native ancestors. Our increased consciousness shall also offer a much clearer and logical perception of our world, a limitless world with no boundaries.

Find the right #frequency of #meditationmusic for your #ascension @_soundsleep

[MIRRORED] From https://www.unitednetwork.news/content/detail  /62862b25355f750013597785/You-and-Your-Consc iousness:-Connecting-to-the-Creator-and-Clean sing

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