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Winterzeit ist Kuschelzeit auf Autobahnen

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Eingetragen von Tagobert in User Videos
83 Aufrufe



Occurred on February 15, 2019 / Oak Grove, Missouri, USA

\"Tanika was driving our truck while Jamon was in the sleeper berth on I-70 West around 10:30 am. Jamon heard a gasp from Tanika as she swerved to avoid a tractor-trailer and used all her brakes to slow down so we would not make the accident worse. We were inches away from hitting a car but stopped safely. Cars were flying past us just running into each other until a tractor trailer came and slowed the car traffic down. One person who unfortunately died at the scene and many people were injured. There were a lot of cars that were towed, but our truck was remarkably accident-free.\"

Credit: Jamon Weaver

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ich konnte mir die Ironie im Titel nicht verkneifen.
    Es herrscht Nebel, Eis und Schnee und die Leute sind zu blöde, angepasst zu fahren.
    Begreife ich nicht. Als ich den Führerschein frisch hatte, ahbe ichm anchen Blödsinn gemacht.
    Vor allem, zu schnell zu fahren. Aber bei Eis, Schnee und Nebel war ich immer extrem vorsichtig. Man kennt seine Grenzen