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Josef Mengele: The Auschwitz Angel of Death | Documentary

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For centuries, doctors have taken the Hippocratic oath which outlines the ethics and moral principles which guides the use of their skills. The guiding principle has always been, in one way or another, to do no harm. When we think of the term, doctor, one tends to conjure up images of men in white coats using their expertise to cure ailments and to tend to injuries.
However, history is full of doctors who use their profession for much darker purposes, twisting the ideology and ethics of medicine for their own purposes. Often, we can take solace in the fact that these doctors such as Harold Shipman are lone wolf predators acting on their own authority. So, what happens when the state sanctions the evil acts of a twisted mind belonging to a man who everyone addresses as “Doctor.” This is the story of one such case of exactly that. This is the story of Dr Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death.

0:00 Introduction
1:44 Early Life
6:04 War Service
12:57 Auschwitz
17:02 Mengele at Auschwitz
34:54 Fleeing the Red Army
38:24 Lost in the Fog of Peace
45:52 Exile in South America
51:28 The End of the Angel of Death

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?????? ?? All music from CO.AG
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Narrated by: Will Earl
Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: James Wade

History Should Never Be Forgotten...

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