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Blood Video 4 of 4 - The Blood of a 55 Year Old Male with Metastatic Brain Cancer - PCR CoVid-19 +

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37 Aufrufe


In this video you can see the visual evidence of the \'Corona Effect\' of the red blood cells which is NOT a viral condition but a degenerative condition of the cell membrane due to an acidic pH and oxygen deprived environment.

These deteriorating red blood cells are the evidence of cellular aging due to a compromised internal environment triggered by how one lives, what one eats, drinks, breathes, thinks, feels and believes.

You are the author and the cause of ALL of your sicknesses or diseases. It is human nature to blame someone else or something else rather than to take personal responsibility for personal choice.

You and only you can be the change you want to see. You do not get healthy and fit you do healthy and fit. You do not get sick and tired YOU do sick and tired.

The pathway back to the house of health, energy and vitality begins with taking ownership of your lifestyle choices and the knowledge and understanding that you are the captain of your body.

It is your body, your life and your choice - Choose wisely!

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