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Vom Mastschwein zum Männermodel - so gehts

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SUBSCRIBE TO MY FITNESS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdivzCnPbel yUq8yMYSSug

If you subscribe to this channel know that I mostly upload skateboarding videos! I will post more training videos also.

Well this was a project! Also far from over, but this was part of my journey that I documented mostly with my phone. Most to be able to remember the work I put into it, but also in hope to possibly help inspire others to get off their asses and get in shape! Skateboarding got away from me and I even had problems doing simple tasks like putting my socks on. It was truly time to turn my hands into fists, grab the bull by the horns and rip its *ucking head off!

I did this slow and steady, no crazy diets or anything like that, mostly just hard work. I believe it was the best way in order to keep my mind sane. God bless cheatdays! Also, I ate meat or chicken probably every single day. going from fat to fit has helped my skateboarding alot, wich was one of the biggest reason I felt compelled to do this. Skateboarding is love, skateboarding is life!

Facts: First 7 months was mostly cardio, but when I switched to more weightlifting the results started to happen properly,

I cyckled over 100.000 calories on the indoor bike

I Reached my life goal to one day be able to benchpress 100 Kgs

Starting weight was 115.3 kgs and in the end of this video 91.7

Location was fitness 24 seven in Umeå umestan

I am far from over with my journey, there is more to achieve!

#dethandlarbaraomattsestarkutnärmankommerupp urvattnet

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