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Tyson Warns Of Meat Shortages Within The Week, Millions Of Chickens Put Down, Food Supply Break Down

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Tyson takes out a full-page ad in the NYT warning that we will see shortages of meat at US grocery stores within the week. The food supply chain is breaking down and the closure of these meat processing plants is leaving farmers with nowhere to bring their animals. Since many plan long in advance for the volume they were expecting a sudden closure of some of their main customers and several major meatpacking facilities around the country shutting down it has led to farmers having to put down 2 million chickens from lack of space. There are reports more than 200,000 hogs are coming next and it is the supply chain disruptions that will lead to rising prices on meat much sooner than many are expecting. It isn't isolated to just chickens either and the problem seems to be accelerating as even more meat processing plants have shut down in the past few days.


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