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Chemtrails are not Geoengineering! Here is a tool for activists!


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CHEMTRAILS are not the same as GEOENGINEERING and hopefully we can remain united in order to stop the pollution of our skies!

Disinformation has taught millions to believe the lie.
Regardless, we will show you the proof step by step, in hopes that you will come to understand the GLOBAL WARMING / GEOENGINEERING SCAM a LIE, that is being sold worldwide without PUBLIC CONSENT because YOU THE PUBLIC never OBJECTED to it in the first place. This is there rational. DEFAULT JUDGEMENT goes to the Corporations and Law makers who are literally getting away with MURDER. http://www.thetruthdenied.com/

Please refer to this article for SOURCES : http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/02/25  /chemtrails-are-not-geoengineering/

CREDITS of for sound bites of Royalty Free Speeches:Excerpts from Speeches include:
Kennedy "What we Need"
John Lennon "More Popular than Christ"
1949-04-04 Historic Creation of NATO
Edward R. Murrow in response to McCarthy on SEE IT NOW

Music Credits:
Song TRUTH TELLER by Jeff Saxon
Songs by Jeff Saxon to contact Jeff : at http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2012/07/17  /jeff-saxon-murdering-us-from-the-sky-revela tions-of-a-soul-mans-journey/

Royalty Music provided by Kevin MacLeod of http://incompetech.com/
Songs written, played and arranged by Kevin are : "Storm Front", "And Upsetting Theme", "Descisions" & "Political Ad".

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Bitte verlinkt und verbreitet diese deutsch-sprachige Webseite überall !
    Es ist eine Webseite, die ungeheuerlich viele Informationen zu Chemtrails Haarp usw. bietet.
    Viele Beweise, Filme, Fotos. Das muss jeden Skeptiker überzeugen !

    https://www.weather-modification-journal .d e/flugzeugmechaniker-er%C3%B6rtert-chemtrail- spr%C3%BCh-ausr%C3%BCstung-an-bord-von-verkeh rsflugzeugen/