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Japan and Korea are Creating the Most Powerful Robot Army in the WORLD

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Eingetragen von HumanrightFORlegislation (Born as lawmaker) in User Videos
43 Aufrufe


Japan and South Korea are leaders in the development of military robots, introducing innovative technologies and advanced concepts in the field of military robotics. These countries actively implement autonomous and unmanned systems to enhance the efficiency and safety of their military operations. Their developments include advanced solutions to improve tactical mobility and ensure security in combat scenarios.

Subscribe for more:

O ther video\'s:
SHOCKING Details of How Humanoid Robots Learn to Understand Human:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-yEHbi ICBs
China has Released its Most Advanced Robots that Can Do Anything:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAGw 9-K99QA&t=441s

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#Japan #Korea #Robots

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