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Man found a bear cub and took it home! He grew up and doesn't want to leave

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Eingetragen von Tagobert in User Videos
50 Aufrufe



While the bear was just a baby, he lived at home with Casey. After a while, the bear cub grew up quite a bit, and it was unsafe to leave him in the house. The man decided to build him an enclosure, where several more grizzly bear cubs now live. Many will think that the young man treats Brutus like a pet. But the guy himself claims that he is more of a friend than a pet. The guy and the predator became inseparable. Can you imagine that a bear could be the best man at a wedding? You probably already guessed that Brutus was one of them.

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  • Florian Geyer Gesperrt Eingetragen Schon gut wenn man so einen Kollegen zum Freund hat.
    Da überlegt sich jeder Langfinger zweimal ob er in dein Haus einsteigt - oder lieber nicht!
  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Dieser Bär ist ein ausgesprochen schönes Tier und hat ein so liebes Gesicht.
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