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Man saved a bear cub and over time he grew into the Biggest Bear In The World!

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One day a wounded bear cub appeared at the shelter. The man helped the beast, fed and raised it. From then on, he and Jimbo developed a strong friendship. Jim completely trusts his charge: he can lie in his arms for a long time, allowing the huge bear to hug him.
Kodiak is a subspecies of brown bear, considered one of the largest land predators in the world.
The size of these bears is amazing; the most massive representatives of this subspecies weigh more than half a ton, and Jimbo belongs to one of them, his weight is 680 kilograms.

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ja, er liebt seinen Papa. das sieht man.
    Und die Bären haben es dort gut. Besser, als in einem Zoo. Sie haben dort keinen Stress, werden beknuddelt und bekommen leckeres Essen. Was will man mehr als Bär ? ☺