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The Biggest Illusion Of Our Time w/ Max Igan

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Max Igan has long been a voice of reason in these times of end-game madness. Max's perceptive insights into the world of geopolitics have made him one of the most sought-after speakers within the truth media, while simultaneously earning him the status of "most-censored" amidst the present climate of unprecedented information inversion and suppression.
As a radio host, musician, artist and film-maker Max is the curator of his website, 'The Crowhouse', a depository of his immense body of work including thought-provoking videos, music and projects.

Max feels that what happens in America is echoed strongly in his Australia homeland, and if America falls from within, then so will his country fall. For this reason Max remains outspoken in the name of what is right, regardless of the consequences. We discuss this and much much more on this episode of Alfacast!

Show links: https://thecrowhouse.com/home.html

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Max Igan
mass awakening
civil war
one world government
natural law

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