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US Sends B-2 Bomber For Dropping Mother Of All Bunker Busters


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US Sends B-2 Bomber For Dropping Mother Of All Bunker Busters
The B-2 Spirit is still America's silver bullet over 20 years after it entered operational service and 30 years since it began its flight test program. Its nuclear capability remains a key component of America's Nuclear Triad, but its ever-evolving, long-range, deep-penetrating, conventional strike abilities are what has made the Spirit the plane that often goes to work first when America's armed forces get a 911 call. One of the most important weapons in the B-2's repertoire is the GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)—the most powerful non-nuclear bunker buster on the planet weighing in at a whopping 33,000 pounds.

The B-2 can carry a pair of them.

This weapon, paired with the B-2's ability to sneak deep into enemy territory, give the United States the ability to destroy the most fortified and high-value bunkers on earth. This is the weapon that will be put to work on the very first moments of a U.S. air campaign in North Korea or Iran. It is a highly unique capability that no other air arm of on earth possesses.

Source: http://bit.ly/2HDVjro

Rear Music: http://bit.ly/2HL29f5

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