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Echter Ausstieg aus dem System - The Mountain Man - Joe Rogan and Bryan Callen

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Eingetragen von Tagobert in User Videos
79 Aufrufe



It can be truly hard to endure, maintain, and thrive in the wilderness alone with no one for help if you don\'t know what you\'re doing. Especially in today\'s world full of many distractions, People have this \"on their own\" mentality and seek this solitary form of living but fail to apply that thinking to everyday life. Richard Proenneke was an American self taught naturalist who did just the opposite of what most people would do and set out to live \"alone\" with \"no one\" for help in the bare wilderness of Alaska. Joe shows the courage Proenneke had in taking on the challenge and struggles that come with this way of living. Proenneke reignited this solitary form of living and has made a big impact on many lives who seek this form of life.

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Es ist natürlich nicht jedermann Sache. Ich würde es auch niemand empfehlen, das alleine zu tun. Denn im Alter brauchst du Hilfe. Wenn du dort irgendwo liegt mit einem gebrochenen Bein, stirbst du. Aber Menschen wir er, sind für mich trotzdem ein Vorbild.