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Einzigartiges Filmmaterial - Straßenhund in Indien

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Eingetragen von Tagobert in User Videos
41 Aufrufe



How would you survive a life on the street? Would it be easier than this? Take a look...

World For All Animal Care & Adoptions is a Mumbai-based animal welfare organisation. It has revolutionised the model of stray animal adoptions. Apart from adoptions, the NGO also conducts rescues and sterilisations of the stray animal population.

Disclaimer: No dogs were hurt in the making of this video. This video has been put together purely with video editing. The scenes only depict the various challenges a street dog faces everyday in India. This video is meant to sensitize and change their current situation to a better one.

To know more, email us at info@worldforall.co or
drop by our website at www.worldforall.co

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Hier hatte eine Tierschutzorganisation in INDIEN eine sehr gute Idee. Sie haben einem echten Straßenhund eine Kamera umgebunden, um zu dokumentieren, was dieses Tier alles ertragen muß.
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